Project Overview
In 2018, I had the opportunity to work with the Creative Cloud extensibility team to launch the ability for developers to create plugins for Adobe XD. I and another designer worked closely with product management, engineering, and design across business units to create a seamless developer experience.
This work proved out the need to create a team focused on the holistic developer ecosystem and confirmed the benefits of Adobe's investment into a Creative Cloud Developer Platform.

Experience Map & Customer Journey
The developer experience was split across a number of different surfaces, but still needed to flow seamlessly together. Early on in the process, I created experience maps alongside engineering and product management to map out all of the complexities on the front and back-end. We presented the developer journey to execs during our milestone reviews and got alignment and approval to move forward.

User Testing
Since this was the first time we'd be allowing developers to build and distribute Adobe XD plugins, we user tested the overall journey with a number of different partners at an XD Dev Days event. I was responsible for creating the user testing script, prototype, and conducting a handful of sessions with developers.
The results were highly favorable that we simplify the user experience by bringing in creation and distribution workflows into the Developer Console and reducing the number of surfaces they needed to interact with.

User Testing Script

Session Notes

Summary Write-up
Final Workflows
Working within the constraints of the existing developer console framework, we created a workflow that made it easy for developers to find documentation, create their plugin, and submit it to the Adobe XD marketplace. We announced this brand new capability at MAX 2018, and have since seen hundreds of plugins built and available to end-users.